


时间:2014-03-02  来源: 伟德bevictor中文版bevictor伟德官网 伟德bevictor中文版     点击数:


职称/职务:教授 生态农业研究所办公室主任








Ph.D. October, 2013 Kyoto Pharmaceutical University (KPU, Japan)药学博士

M.S. June, 2010 Sichuan Agricultural University (SAU, China)农学硕士

B.S. June, 2007 Sichuan Agricultural University (SAU, China)医学学士


Octo. 2019–at present, Professor, SAU教授

Feb. 2015–Oct. 2019, Associate Professor, SAU副教授

Apr. 2014–Oct. 2018, Postdoctor in crop science, SAU博士后(作物学)

Oct. 2013–Feb. 2015, Lecturer, SAU讲师

Feb. 2011–Oct. 2013, Teaching Assistant, KPU教学助理



Chemecology of intercropping crops


Biosynthesis and accumulation of secondary metabolitesin plants is often accompanied with various important resistance mechanisms, such as resistance to disease, insect, weed, and other abiotic stresses. Under maize and soybeanintercroppingsystems, abiotic stresses such as heterogeneous shading and imbalance water deficit coexist with other biotic stresses. These stresses induce adverse effects on soybean plant. In response, the secondary metabolism in soybean plant, including isoflavone, glyceollin, lignin, fatty acid, cutin wax, carotenoid, and endogenous phytohormone, play crucial roles of plant defense, early warning, stress memory and serve as chemical modulators of signal transduction with intra-/inter-species or microorganisms. Meanwhile,affected by the special intercropping environment, the specific chemical qualities of soybean seeds were formed.

What is the stress resistance function of the above-mentioned chemicals in the intercropping system? What are the important steps and key genes involved in their metabolismregulation? How about the mutual relationships and ecological implications? Those above are the research emphasis of intercropping crops chemecology.



Metabolic mechanism of potential resistance improvement of soybean plant growing under maize-soybean strip intercropping system

  • 时空荫蔽Spatiotemporal shade stress:变光环境提高大豆耐荫性Changing light environment elevate shade tolerance

  • 田间霉变Field mould复合胁迫诱导豆荚交叉抗性Environment and biotic stress combinations induce cross resistance

  • 半根干旱胁迫Split-root drought stress异质性水环境平衡大豆抗旱与生长Heterogeneous water environment balanced drought resistance and growth


Chemical quality formation and regulation of soybean seed harvested from maize-soybean strip intercropping system

  • 营养成分:蛋白质、油脂(脂肪酸)Nutrients:protein, oil (fatty acids)

  • 功能成分:异黄酮、花色苷、类胡萝卜素Functional components:isoflavones, anthocyanin, carotenoid



Integration of chemecology and system biology become more prominent in the present world context, chemecology research has entered the era of big data. Hence, the subject of chemecology can be defined as: applying multidimensional methods of analytical chemistry to demystify the chemical-mediated interactions among interspecies, intraspecies and their living environments; and then to explain their deepgoing ecological principles. It uses micro-tools (analytical chemistry: chromatography/mass spectrometry) to solve complex macro scientific problems (ecology: biological/abiological) and enforces macro-strategies (systems biology: omics tactics) to elucidate micro mechanisms (metabolic regulation: enzyme, gene function).

  • 植物化学Phytochemistry:色谱-质谱联用(LC-/GC-MS)、核磁共振(NMR)...

  • 分子生理Molecular physiology:代谢组学(Metabolomics)、代谢通量分析(Fluxomics)、基因表达(Genetic expression)、遗传转化(Genetic transformation)...


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目《套作变光环境促进大豆异黄酮合成的调控机理》(2020.01-2023.12,主持)National Natural Science Foundation of China, Regulation mechnism of changing light in intercropping system on promoting isoflavone biosynthesis in soybean

  2. 四川省杰出青年科技人才项目《大豆种荚抗田间霉变异黄酮的代谢调控机理》(2020.1.1-2022.12.31,主持)Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of Sichuan,Metabolic regulation mechanism of isoflavone in soybean pod response to field mildew

  3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目《大豆种皮抗田间霉变生物活性成分的筛选及其构效关系研究》(2015.01-2017.12,主持)National Natural Science Foundation of China, Bioactivity-guided isolation of anti-field moldy constituents from soybean seed coat and their structure-activity relationships

  4. 中国博士后科学基金(特别资助)项目《遮荫对大豆异黄酮时空积累的代谢调控机理研究》(2017.06-2019.06,主持)China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Effect of shading on spatiotemporal accumulation of soybean isoflavonoid and its metabolic regulation mechanism

  5. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(一等资助)《光照对大豆呈味性糖苷代谢的调控机理研究》(2014.06-2016.06,主持)China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Metabolomics integrated with transcriptomic analyses reveal mechanisms of metabolic regulation for the taste chemistry of soybean glycosides under different light environments

  6. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目《基于化学-生物综合指纹图谱的川产忍冬质量评价研究》(2014.06-2016.06,主持)Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry, Quality evaluation research ofLonicera macranthoidesfrom Sichuan based on the comprehensive chemical-biological fingerprinting

  7. 药食同源植物资源开发四川省高校重点实验室开放基金项目《基于醛糖还原酶抑制活性的川产黑豆资源评价研究》(2015.07-2016.10,主持)Open fund project of key laboratory of medicinal and edible plant resources development of sichuan education department, Evaluation of black soybean germplasms from Sichuan basin based on the inhibitory activity of aldose reductase

  8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目《荫蔽对大豆茎秆木质素代谢的作用机理》(2017.01-2020.12,主研)National Natural Science Foundation of China, Mechanism of shading effect on the lignin metabolism in the soybean stem

  9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目《玉米植保素kauralexin二萜合酶基因相关转录因子鉴定及调控机制解析》(2017.01-2020.12,主研)National Natural Science Foundation of China, Identification of transcription factors involved in diterpene synthase gene regulation of maize phytoalexin kauralexin and regulatory mechanism elucidation

  10. 国家重点研发计划“粮食丰产增效科技创新”重点专项《旱地多熟复合种植系统光温水时空动态及作物响应机制》(2016.01-2020.12,主研)The National Key Research and Development Program of China


  1. 刘江*,《复合种植作物化员工态学》. 2020年1月,科学出版社(中国博士后科学基金优秀学术专著出版资助)Jiang Liu*. Chemical Ecology of Intercropping Crop [M]. Science Press. 2019, ISBN: 978-7-03-060433-0. (China Postdoctoral Science Foundation)

  2. Jiang Liu, Cai-qiong Yang, Qing Zhang, Ying Lou, Hai-jun Wu, Jun-cai Deng, Feng Yang, Wen-yu Yang*.Partial improvements in the flavour quality of soybean seeds using intercropping systems with appropriate shading[J].Food Chemistry, 2016, 207: 107-114.(ESI热点论文

  3. Nasir Iqbal, Sajad Hussain, Zeeshan Ahmed, Feng Yang, Xiaochun Wang, Weiguo Liu, Taiwen Yong, Junbo Du, Kai Shu, Jing Zhang, Wenyu Yang*,Jiang Liu*.Comparative analysis of maize-soybean strip intercropping systems. A review[J].Plant Production Science, 2019, 22(2): 131-142.(ESI高被引论文

  4. Cai-qiong Yang,Nasir Iqbal,Bao-yu Hu,Qi-hui Zhang,Hai-jun Wu,Xin Liu,Jing Zhang,Wei-guo Liu,Wen-yu Yang*,Jiang Liu*.Targeted metabonomics analysis of fatty acid in soybean seed by GC-MS reveal the metabolic manipulation of shading in intercropping system[J].Analytical Methods, 2017, 9(14): 2144-2152.(英国化学会封面论文

  5. 杨才琼,邓俊才,秦雯婷,刘江*,杨文钰.大豆种荚响应田间霉变的代谢组学分析[C].中国作物学会大豆专业委员会.第十届全国大豆学术研讨会论文集(北京,2017.8.1-4).(全国优秀青年论文

  6. Jiang Liu, Wen-ting Qin, Hai-jun Wua, Cai-qiong Yang, Jun-cai Deng, Nasir Iqbal, Wei-guo Liu, Jun-bo Du, Kai Shu, Feng Yang, Xiao-chun Wang, Tai-wen Yong, Wen-yu Yang*.Metabolism variation and better storability of dark-versus light-coloured soybean (Glycine maxL. Merr.) seeds[J].Food Chemistry, 2017,223:104-113.

  7. Jiang Liu, Juncai Deng, Ke Zhang, Haijun Wu, Caiqiong Yang, Xiaowen Zhang, Junbo Du, Kai Shu, Wenyu Yang*.Pod mildew on soybeans can mitigate the damage to the seed arising from field mould at harvest time[J].Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2016, 64, 9135-9142.

  8. Weitao Li*, Kang Wang, Mawsheng Chern, Yuchen Liu, Ziwei Zhu,Jiang Liu, Xiaobo Zhu, Junjie Yin, Li Ran, Jun Xiong, Kaiwei He, Liting Xu, Min He, Jing Wang, Jiali Liu, Yu Bi, Hai Qing, Mingwu Li, Kun Hu, Li Song, Long Wang, Tuo Qi, Qingqing Hou, Weilan Chen, Yan Li, Wenming Wang, Xuewei Chen*Sclerenchyma cell thickening through enhanced lignification induced by OsMYB30 prevents fungal penetration of rice leaves.New Phytologist, 2020, 226(6): 1850-1863.

  9. Jin Liang,Jiang Liu#, Reid Brown, Meirong Jia, Ke Zhou, Reuben J. Peters*, Qiang Wang*.Direct production of dihydroxylated sesquiterpenoids by a maize terpene synthase[J].The Plant Journal, 2018, 94: 847-856.

  10. Ping Chen, Chun Song, Xiao-ming Liu, Li Zhou, Huan Yang, Xiaona Zhang, Ying Zhou, Qing Du, Ting Pang, Zhi-dan Fu, Xiao-chun Wang, Wei-guo Liu, Feng Yang, Kai Shu, Junbo Du,Jiang Liu, Wenyu Yang, Taiwen Yong.Yield advantage and nitrogen fate in an additive maize-soybean relay intercropping system[J].Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 657: 987-999.

  11. Wenguan Zhou, Feng Chen, Sihua Zhao, Caiqiong Yang, Yongjie Meng, Haiwei Shuai, Xiaofeng Luo, Yujia Dai, Han Yin, Junbo Du,Jiang Liu, Gaoqiong Fan, Weiguo Liu, Wenyu Yang*, Kai Shu*.DA-6 promotes germination and seedling establishment from aged soybean seeds by mediating fatty acid metabolism and glycometabolism[J].Journal of Experimental Botany, 2019, 70(1): 101-114.(ESI高被引论文

  12. 刘江*,杨才琼,邓俊才,胡宝予,杨文钰.基于代谢组学策略的作物化员工态学研究.四川省分析测试学会光谱分析专委会.第十八届四川省光谱分析学术年会暨2018年西南地区分析化学学术会议(成都,2018.10.12-14).(大会报告


  1. 刘江,陈建华,周诚,谢丛薇,肖新力,杨才琼,李晓曼,肖媛,黄祥庆,杜俊波,张静,王小春,杨峰,武晓玲,杨文钰.一种异黄酮O-甲基转移酶GmIOMT3及编码基因及应用(发明专利号:ZL 201910798929.6,国家知识产权局,2020.11.6授权)

  2. 刘江,秦雯婷,吴海军,蔡亚丽,张静,刘卫国,杨峰,舒凯,杜俊波,王小春,雍太文,杨文钰.一种玉米须黑豆茶及其制作方法(发明专利号:ZL 201610172980.2,国家知识产权局,2019.09.24授权)

  3. 刘江,秦雯婷,杨才琼,胡宝予,邓俊才,张潇文,张静,杨文钰.一种基于核磁共振技术判别大豆种子活力的方法(发明专利号:ZL 201611023723.9,国家知识产权局,2018.10.09授权)

  4. 刘江,刘卫国,张静,邓俊才,吴海军,杨峰,舒凯,杜俊波,王小春,雍太文,杨文钰.一种基于代谢组学手段判别不同耐逆潜力大豆的方法(发明专利号:ZL 201610301679.7,国家知识产权局,2017.10.27授权)

  5. 刘江,吴海军,张静,杨峰,刘卫国,舒凯,杜俊波,王小春,雍太文,邓俊才,杨文钰.适用于小型设施农艺研究的可变光谱罩及其光谱调节方法(发明专利号:ZL 201510349306.2,国家知识产权局,2017.05.17授权)

  6. 刘江,陈兴福.川麦冬HPLC指纹图谱的建立方法及其标准指纹图谱(发明专利号:ZL 201010106585.7,国家知识产权局,2012.8.22日授权)



2015级博士邓俊才:比利时根特大学Ghent University

2014级硕士吴海军(优秀毕业论文):四川旅游学院Sichuan Tourism University

2015级硕士秦雯婷(优秀毕业论文):西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Nasir Iqbal:澳大利亚阿德莱德大学University of Adelaide

2016级硕士杨才琼(优秀毕业生):德国马普化员工态研究所Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology

2017级硕士胡宝予(优秀毕业生):德国亥姆霍兹慕尼黑环境与健康研究中心Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental Health

张启辉:德国波恩大学University of BONN

肖新力:安捷伦科技有限公司Agilent Technologies, Inc.



Dennis Takpah:加纳Fairtrade Africa

2018级硕士李晓曼、陈建华、Haymarn Soe Myint


2020级硕士贺元元、李相蓓、贾琳钰、杨雨、Nishbah Mughal













Program:Crop Cultivation and Farming System

Orientation:Crop Secondary Metabolism and Chemical Ecology

Warmly welcome students from all over the world to study at SICAU !

  • Enrollment Information

  • Sichuan Government Scholarship

    a)Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System in Southwest China, Ministry of Agriculture, P. R. China

    b)Sichuan Engineering Research Center for Crop Strip Intercropping System

    c)Institute of Ecological Agriculture, Sichuan Agricultural University


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