


时间:2023-10-18  来源: 伟德bevictor中文版伟德bevictor中文版   作者:伟德bevictor中文版  点击数:






长江学者、国家973计划项目(青年)首席科学家、四川省学术技术带头人、四川省突出贡献专家。从事作物种子发育-萌发与谷物品质研究:鉴定作物种子发育相关关键基因TaPHS-3D、TaPGS1等,解析穗发芽与老化引起作物品质劣化的机制,从麦类种质资源中挖掘优异基因并用于抗性育种。在Mol. Plant, Plant Biotechnol. J., New Phyto., PNAS,Seed Science Research等杂志发表论文七十余篇;获四川省科技进步一等奖两项、四川省青年科技奖;获授权发明专利两件、制定地方标准六项、参与作物新品种选育两个。

I was appointed the dean of the College of Agronomy at Sichuan Agricultural in March 2021, with national and international scientific research experience, including study, work, scientific cooperation, and presentations. My group focuses on crop seed biology and grain quality. We evaluated the tolerance level of pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) levels of wheat germplasms collected from the main grown areas in the world, characterized seed development and germination-related genes TaPHS-3D and TaPGS1, developed new breeding materials with PHS resistance for wheat breeding. These resultswerepublished in Mol. Plant, Plant Biotechnol. J., New Phyto., PNAS, Seed Science research. Based on my research and teaching in seed science, I was awarded the Professor of the Yangtze River Scholar Program in 2022.



Ph.D.作物遗传育种(Plant Breeding),bevictor伟德官网(Sichuan Agricultural University)


MSc作物遗传育种(Plant Breeding),bevictor伟德官网(Sichuan Agricultural University)


BSc生化与分子生物学(Biochemistry & Molecular biology),兰州大学(LanzhouUniversity)

学术与职业经历Academic & Professional Experience:

bevictor伟德官网小麦研究所(Triticeae Research Institute, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu Sichuan, 2008-Now)

The main works in our group are 1) characterization of genes related to seed development and germination in cereals, 2) PHS-resistant wheat breeding, and 3) wheat quality enhancement.

美国加州大学戴维斯(UC DAVIS,USA, Apr 2011-Mar 2013)

I worked with Drs. Mingcheng Luo and Jan Dvorak during 2011-2013 as postdoc fellows.Westudied the adaptive evolution of the D genome donor of hexaploid wheat,Ae.tauschii. NSF and USDA supported this project.

加拿大农业部渥太华研究中心(ECORC-AAFC, Ottawa, ON, Canada, Jan 2007- Feb 2008).

A project about characterizing seed genes with specific expression levels in Fusarium-infected wheat was carried out.

西南作物基因资源与遗传改良教育部重点实验室主任(Director of theMinistry of Education Key Laboratory for Crop Genetic Resources and Improvement in Southwest China,2020-now)



国际谷物穗发芽大会主委会委员/主席(Committee member of the 14th- 16thInternational Symposium of Pre-harvest sprouting on Cereals)

国际植物休眠会议组委会委员(Committee member of the 7thInternational Plant Dormancy Symposium)

<种子科学研究>特邀编辑(Guest Editor of<Seed Science Research>, 2019-2021)

<农学>编辑(Editor of <Agronomy>, 2021-now)

<种子>编辑(Editor of <Seeds>, 2022-now)


种子生物学Seed Biology,种子科学与技术本科生课程秋季学期

种子科学研究进展Advance in Seed Science,作物遗传育种博士生课程秋季学期

研究及方向Current Research:

种子发育与萌发的生物学调控Seed Development and Germination




Our group aims to understand the environment affection, epigenetic mechanisms, and gene networks that control cereals' seed development, dormancy, and germination. The environment, epigenetic mechanisms, and gene networks affect many essential processes of seed, including embryo development, grain filling, maturation, longevity, and germination. Many are necessary for crop production, such as yield, quality, nutrition, and Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) resistance. PHS is defined as the germination of grains in the ears before harvest, which causes a decrease in end-use quality due to starch and protein degradation. PHS is considered a worldwide disaster that reduces the production of cereals and damages their quality. In recent years, our group is working on the characterization of PHS-resistant genes and selecting elite breeding materials.

部分研究工作Selected works:


Aegilops tauschii single nucleotide polymorphisms shed light on the origins of wheat D-genome genetic diversity and pinpoint the geographic origin of hexaploid wheat.New Phytologist,2013, 198: 925-937

Hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum, genomes AABBDD) originated by hybridization of tetraploidTriticumturgidum(genomes AABB) withAegilops tauschii(genomes DD). Genetic relationships between A. tauschii and the wheat D genome are of central importance for the understanding of the wheat origin and subsequent evolution. Genetic relationships among 477A. tauschiiand wheat accessions were studied with the A. tauschii 10K Infinium single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array.Aegilops tauschiiconsists of two lineages (designated 1 and 2) having little genetic contact. Each lineage consists of two closely related sublineages. A population within lineage 2 in the southwestern and southern Caspian appears to be the main source of the wheat D genome. Lineage 1 contributed as little as 0.8% of the wheat D genome. Triticum aestivum is subdivided into the western and Far Eastern populations. The Far Eastern population conserved the genetic make-up of the nascent T. aestivum more than the western population. In wheat, diversity is high in chromosomes 1D and 2D, and it correlates in all wheat D-genome and A. tauschii chromosomes with recombination rates. Gene flow fromA. tauschiiwas an important source of wheat genetic diversity and shaped its distribution along the D-genome chromosomes.


Uncovering the dispersion history, adaptive evolution and selection of wheat in China.Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2018, 16: 280-291

Wheat was introduced to China approximately 4500 years ago, where it adapted over a span of time to various environments in agro-ecological growing zones. We investigated 717 Chinese and 14 Iranian/Turkish geographically diverse, locally adapted wheat landraces with 27,933 DArTseq (for 717 landraces) and 312,831 Wheat660K (for a subset of 285 landraces) markers. This study highlights the adaptive evolutionary history of wheat cultivation in China. Environmental stresses and independent selection efforts have resulted in considerable genome-wide divergence at the population level in Chinese wheat landraces. In total, 148 regions of the wheat genome show signs of selection in at least one geographic area. Our data show adaptive events across geographic areas, from the xeric northwest to the mesic south, along and among homoeologous chromosomes, with fewer variations in the D genome than in the A and B genomes. Multiple variations in interdependent functional genes, such as regulatory and metabolic genes controlling germination and flowering time were characterized, showing clear allelic frequency changes corresponding to the dispersion of wheat in China. Population structure and selection data reveal that Chinese wheat spread from the northwestern Caspian Sea region to south China, adapting during its agricultural trajectory to increasingly mesic and warm climatic areas.


WheatGmap: A Comprehensive Platform for Wheat Gene Mapping and Genomic Studies.Molecular Plant,2021, 14: 187-190

Gene mapping of mutations is a critical step for new gene discovery and functional analysis. However, this step has been limited by the discovery of very dense sets of informative markers. Here, we report a platform, Wheat Genomic Map (WheatGmap, https://www.wheatgmap.org), for the fast and cost-effective mapping of genes in wheat. The main application of this platform is the use of several statistical models enabling researchers to simply and flexibly conduct bulked segregant analysis (BSA)-based causal variation mining and gene mapping. A significant feature of the platform is that large-scale genomic variant data can be used as a resource to filter non-causal SNPs or non-validated candidate genes. Moreover, users can share their genomics data of genetic information and annotated phenotypes via WheatGmap. In the current version (WheatGmap 1.0), more than 3,500 next-generation sequencing datasets, including whole-exome sequencing (WES), whole-genome sequencing (WGS), and RNA-seq datasets from public resources, were processed with our standard pipeline. These online tools and genomics data could become an easily applicable resource for gene mapping in a complex wheat genome background.


Myb10-DconfersPHS-3Dresistance to pre-harvest sprouting by regulating NCED in ABA biosynthesis pathway of wheat.New Phytologist2021,230: 1940-1952

Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS), the germination of grain before harvest, is a serious problem resulting in wheat yield and quality losses. Here, we mapped the PHS resistance gene PHS-3D from synthetic hexaploid wheat to a 2.4 Mb presence-absence variation (PAV) region and found that its resistance effect was attributed to the pleiotropicMyb10-Dby integrated omics and functional analyses. Three haplotypes were detected in this PAV region among 262 worldwide wheat lines and 16 Aegilops tauschii, and the germination percentages of wheat lines containingMyb10-Dwas approximately 40% lower than that of the other lines. Transcriptome and metabolome profiling indicated that Myb10-D affected the transcription of genes in both the flavonoid and ABA biosynthesis pathways, which resulted in increases in flavonoids and ABA in transgenic wheat lines. Myb10-D activates NCED by biding the secondary wall MYB-responsive element (SMRE) to promote ABA biosynthesis in early wheat seed development stages. We revealed that the newly discovered function ofMyb10-Dconfers PHS resistance by enhancing ABA biosynthesis to delay germination in wheat. The PAV harboringMyb10-Dassociated with grain color and PHS will be useful for understanding and selecting white-grained PHS resistant wheat cultivars.


The PGS1 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) protein regulates Fl3 to impact seed growth and grain yield in cereals.Plant Biotechnology Journal2022,online

Plant transcription factors, such as basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) and AT-rich zinc-binding proteins (PLATZ), play criticalrolesin regulating the expression of developmental genesin cereals. We identified the bHLH protein TaPGS1 (T. aestivumPositive Regulator of Grain Size 1) specifically expressed in the seeds at 5–20 days post-anthesis in wheat.TaPGS1was ectopically overexpressed (OE) in wheat and rice, leading to increased grain weight (up to 13.81% in wheat and 18.55% in rice lines) and grain size. Carbohydrate and total protein levels also increased. Scanning electron microscopy results indicated that the starch granules in the endosperm ofTaPGS1OE wheat and rice lines were smaller and tightly embedded in a proteinaceous matrix. Furthermore,TaPGS1 was bound directly to the E-box motif at the promoter of the PLATZ transcription factor genesTaFl3andOsFl3and positively regulated their expression in wheat and rice. In rice, theOsFl3CRISPR/Cas9 knockout lines showed reduced average thousand-grain weight, grain width, and grain length in rice. Our results reveal thatTaPGS1functions as a valuable trait-associated gene for improving cereal grain yield.


Lab News:

20231012:梁王壮等论文“Identification of long-lived and stable mRNAs in the aged seeds of wheat”在Seed Biology在线发表(DOI:10.48130/SeedBio-2023-0014)。


20230917:王际睿、符语昕参加第7届国际植物休眠研讨会(Perth,2023)。符语昕同学设计了本次国际研讨会的会徽并荣获7th IPD最佳报告奖。

20230609:唐豪等论文“Identification of candidate gene for the Defective Kernel (Dek) phenotype using bulked segregant RNA and exome capture sequencing methods in wheat”在Frontiers in Plant Science在线发表(DOI:10.3389/fpls.2023.1173861)


20220322:郭晓江等论文“The PGS1 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) protein regulates Fl3 to impact seed growth and grain yield in cereals”在Plant Biotechnology Journal在线发表(DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13809)。

20220224:何雨等论文“Temporal transcriptomes unravel the effects of heat stress on seed germination during wheat grain filling”在Journal of Agronomy And Crop Science在线发表(DOI: 10.1111/jac.12586)。

20211208:唐豪等论文“Genome-wide association studies of grain black point resistance in Chinese wheat landraces”在Plant Disease在线发表(DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-09-21-1898-RE)。


20210326:肖春生等论文“Characterization and expression quantitative trait loci analysis ofTaABI4, a pre-harvest sprouting related gene in wheat”在Seed Science Research发表(DOI: 10.1017/S0960258521000015)。

20210302:郎静等论文“Myb10-DconfersPHS-3Dresistance to pre-harvest sprouting by regulating NCED in ABA biosynthesis pathway of wheat”在New Phytologist发表(DOI: 10.1111/nph.17312)。

20210203:张立超、董春豪、陈中序等论文“WheatGmap: A Comprehensive Platform for Wheat Gene Mapping and Genomic Studies”在MolecularPlant发表(DOI: 10.1016/j.molp.2020.11.018)。

20201108:符语昕等论文“Identification and Characterization of PLATZ Transcription Factors in Wheat”在IJMS发表。

20190829:杨剑等论文“Identification of qPHS.sicau-1B and qPHS.sicau-3Dfrom synthetic wheat for pre-harvest sprouting resistancewheat improvement”在Molecular Breeding发表。





20180121:周勇等论文“Uncovering the Dispersion History, Adaptive Evolution and Selection of Wheat in China”在Plant Biotechnology Journal发表。


20170909-22:王际睿、陈中旭参加12届国际种子科学大会ISSS(Monterey, CA),并做“Characterization of pre-harvest sprouting resistance genes in a large germplasm collection of Chinese wheat landraces&Aegilops tauschii”报告;访问UC Davis。


20170715-29:王际睿参加“中-澳青年科学家交流项目”(Australia China Young Scientists Exchange Program)访问澳大利亚CSIRO_Canberra, CSIRO_Brisbane, University of Queensland, Murdoch University, University of West Australia,进行学术交流与报告。

20170702:郭晓江论文“Global identification, structural analysis and expression characterization of bHLH transcription factors in wheat”在BMC Plant Biology发表。

20170610:陈学伟团队完成的“A natural allele of a transcription factor in rice confers broad-spectrum blast"在Cell发表。王际睿、程梦萍、陈中旭进行了该论文大数据分析部分工作。


20170429:周勇等论文“Genome-Wide Association Study for Pre-harvest Sprouting Resistance in a Large Germplasm Collection of Chinese Wheat Landraces”在Frontiers in Plant Science发表。

20170228:陈真勇等论文“Identification and positional distribution analysis of transcription factor binding sites for genes from the wheat fl-cDNA sequnces”在Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry发表。

20170126:周科等论文“Sequence analysis and expression profiles of TaABI5, a pre-harvest sprouting resistance gene in wheat”在Gene & Geno发表。

20161227:刘宇娇等论文“Conferring resistance to pre-harvest sprouting in durum wheat by a QTL identified in Triticum spelta”在Euphytica发表。



20160315:陈中旭等论文“SNP mining in functional genes from nonmodel species by next-generation sequencing: ... in wheat”在BMRI发表。



20150302:陈真勇、郭晓江等论文“Genome-wide characterization of developmental stage- and tissue-specific transcription factors in wheat”在BMC Genomics发表。

20140915-19:王际睿参加11届国际种子科学大会ISSS(Changsha, China)。

20140408:杨剑等论文“Molecular characterization of high pI α-amylase and its expression QTL analysis in synthetic wheat RILs”被Molecular Breeding接收。

Lab Members:


Huixue Dong,PhD, Institute of Crop Science, CAAS

研究及招生方向Current Research:作物功能基因组&遗传改良Crop Functional Genomics & Genetics Improvement


Qian Chen, PhD, China Agricultural University

研究及招生方向Current Research:小麦品质形成保持机制及优质小麦新材料创制The mechanism of wheat quality formation and preservation & high-quality wheat selection


Xiaojiang Guo, PhD, Sichuan Agricultural University

研究方向Research:小麦种子发育的遗传调控Genetic regulation of wheat seed development


Mengping Cheng, BSc, Chengdu Neusoft University

研究方向Research:作物生物信息学&数据发掘Crop Bioinformatics & Data Mining


Maolian Li, MSc, South West University

研究方向Research:育种技术-编辑&转化Breeding technology - Editing & Transformation

Former Research Assistant

王早霞(Zaoxia Wang), 2013-2016;龙茜(Xi Long), 2013-2014;李净琼(Jingqiang Li), 2009-2013

Ph.D. Students

陈真勇(Zhenyong Chen) 2013-2015

杨剑(Jian Yang) 2012-2016

周勇(Yong Zhou) 2010-2013-2017

刘宇娇(Yujiao Liu) 2014-2018;联合培养:2014.09-2015.09, AAFC-Ottawa加拿大

陈中旭(Zhongxu Chen) 2012-2015-2021;联合培养:2016.04-2017.09, UC Davis美国

张琴(Qin Zhang) 2013-2016-2021;联合培养:2018.11-2021.2,CSIRO_Canberra澳大利亚

桂李暄(Lixuan Gui) 2016-now

郭晓江(Xiaojiang Guo) 2014-2017-2022;联合培养:2018.12-2021.12, UC Davis美国

Iqbal Hussain 2017-2018

唐豪(Tang Hao) 2015-2018-now

谭超(Tan Chao) 2015-2018-now

郎静(Jin Lang) 2016-2019-now)

符语昕(Yuxin Fu) 2017-2020-now

何雨(Yu He) 2020-now

蒲茜(Xi Pu) 2021-now

Ummar Ali2021-now


梁王壮(Wangzhuang Liang) 2023-now

Thanapon Prangkratok 2023-now


MSc Students

刘昆(Kun Liu) 2011-2014

朱松(Song Zhu) 2013-2016

Kwame Obeng Dankwa 2015-2017

肖春生(Chunsheng Xiao) 2016-2020;联合培养:2019.11-2020.04,Murdoch澳大利亚

杨力生(Lisheng Yang) 2016-2019

黄雯(Wen Huang) 2017-2020

王祥向(Xiangxiang Wang) 2017-2020

邓敏(Min Deng) 2017-2020

张承碧(Chengbi Zhang) 2018-2021

李令川(Lingchuan Li) 2019-2022

梁王壮(Wangzhuang Liang) 2020-2023

李之恒(Zhiheng Li) 2020-2023

杨珞(Luo Yang) 2021-now

林媛媛(Yuanyuan Lin) 2021-now

张文鹏(Wenpeng Zhang) 2021-now

王哲浩(Zhehao Wang)2022-now

袁艺伟(Yiwei Yuan)2022-now


赵庆昊(Qinhao Zhao)2023-now

杨丹宁(Danning Yang)2023-now

俄洛阿依(Ayi Eluo)2023-now

金雨梦(Yumeng Jin)2023-now

Undergraduate Students

2022:古敬(Jin Gu),刘佳芸(Jiayun Liu),曹馨引(Xinyin Cao),王铭尉(Mingwei Wang)

2021:唐雅楠(Yanan Tang),陈宏宇(Hongyu Chen),许力木(Limu Xu),刘禄宏(Luhong Liu),徐茂祥(Maoxiang Xu)

2019:宋秋池(Qiuci Song)

2017:吴晓葭(Xiaojia Wu)

2016:郭世宽(Shikuan Guo),曾小玉(Xiaoyu Zeng),李晶(Jin Li),端木笑盈(Xiaoying Duanmu),王冉(RanWang),张承碧(Chenbi Zhang),李承志(Chengzhi Li)

2015:马欣源(Xinyuan Ma)

2014:符语昕(Yu-Xin Fu)

2013:毛瑞文(Ruiwen Mao),谢娇(Jiao Xie)

2012:余璨(Can Yu),陈文帅(WenShuai Chen),肖春生(Chunsheng Xiao),陈丽娜(Lina Chen)

2011:周科(Ke Zhou),段杰(Jie Duan),郎静(Jing Lang)


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